Fruit Burger

Western culture is strongly based on the traditional, fast/street food. In the transitional phase of Sustainable Fruitarianism it is important to replace these dishes with more healthy alternatives without eliminating taste.
I would like to share my burger recipe that I found to be the best in texture and taste so far. Please try it, share it with your friends and help the dissemination of the concept of Sustainable Fruitarianism.

Ingredients (for 4 burgers)

For the bread
4 green plantains (~ 250 g each)
200 g hokkaido pumpkin (already steamed and peeled)
40 g seedless olive oil
5 g salt

For the patty
800 g eggplant
90 g plantain flour
35 g seedless olive oil
8 g salt
1 tbsp. smoked paprika
2 tbsp. sweet paprika

To garnish
½ long cucumber
2 large tomatoes
100 g sweet tomato sauce, fruit mayonnaise or 1 smashed avocado
4 fruit cheddar slices (optional)


  • Fan bake the green plantains at 180° C for about 40-50 min until the peel is completely black and they are relatively soft; 
  • While you wait for the plantains, peel the eggplants and cut them in regular pieces;
  • Blend them until they have the size you wish (see the picture below for a good reference). It's better to use a food processor than a blender in order to keep the size under control;

  • Add the salt, mix it and wait 5 minutes;
  • Squeeze the eggplant with your hands or with a potato masher to remove part of the liquid;
  • Add the olive oil, the salt, spices and the plantain flour and stir the dough until uniform;

  • Shape your patty with a patty maker or with your hands;
  • At this time the plantains should already be cooked. Take them out and fan bake the burgers in the oven at 180° C for 25 min (alternatively you can also cook them in a pan);
  • Open the peel of the plantain and cut them in slices;
  • Blend them in a food processor with the olive oil, steamed pumpkin and salt;
  • When the dough is ready and uniform, you can shape the bread rolls with your hands about the same size of the patties with the help of some plantain flour if sticky;

  • With a toothpick pierce the bread in order that the baking is uniform and replace the patties with the bread in the oven for another 30-40 minutes (also at 180° C with the fan);
  • In the meantime, cut the tomatoes in thin slices with a knife and the cucumber with a spiralizer (only 3 or 4 turns in order to look like salad leaves);
  • If you do not want to make a sauce you can smash a soft avocado adding some apple juice, salt and pepper if you prefer;

  • When the bread is uniformly coked take them out of the oven, switch it off and place the patties you are going to use inside to warm them up again;
  • In the case you also have the fruit cheddar slices, I suggest you to warm up the patties with a slice on top of each of them;
  • Cut the breads in half and start the assembly from the bottom part of the bread roll, only half of the smashed avocado, the warmed patty, the cucumber, the tomato slices and the rest of the smashed avocado (or your favorite fruit sauce).


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